At Glenorie Mission Church we have a wide range of visiting preachers offering us and now you and a rich variety of studies from the bible. Be sure to listen to the sermons as they are uploaded weekly after the service. We also invite your feedback.
Latest Sermons
Alan brings us the word via Zoom. You can join too, every Sunday.
Christmas Series
Dr Cedric Gibbs
Dr Cedric Gibbs is a local of the area, now residing with his wife Val at Rowland Village, Galston. Over the course of his life Cedric has worked as a medical missionary, Bible college principal and church pastor serving in South Africa, Australia and Central Asia. Now retired, he continues an active Bible teaching and counselling ministry.
During the month of December, Cedric spoke each Sunday at the Glenorie Mission Church in the lead up to Christmas.
When God planned for Christmas:
Series on Esther by Cedric Gibbs
Other sermons
Lee is currently full-time pastor of Gospel Light Evangelical Church in Pymble but also does itinerant preaching in Australia, New Zealand and the UK. He became full time pastor in June 2012 after spending nearly 30 years as an IT consultant. He is currently finishing off a Bachelor of Theology from Chester University in Wales, UK.
Part of Lee's testimony is that he was delivered from alcoholism at the age of 36 and set free from Roman Catholicism at age 38. He was brought up in the Roman Catholic church and was taught by nuns and priests as well as being an altar boy and attending mass 7 days a week as a youngster. He came to a saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ after hearing the gospel preached at a Pentecostal church in England on March 11th 2001. His desire is for Christians everywhere to be able to understand the Scriptures in context and to be able to defend their faith.
Lee is married to Lorraine and they have five children.